Data Science: type of Data I work in bush of data. What is the type of data? The analysis should define type of data to adapt. I don't say about the primitive data( string, char, integer, float, pointer) in the computer science. My job work with data object, I have to know about it's properties. My mission is classified data into packages that have the same type of data. The data is indicated to some types. My head is stuck in the question how I present clearly. Sinan Ozdemir show some way to understand the type of data. I take note and add my opinion. 1. Organized data vs Unorganized data : Organized data: the data has structure( tables, records, links,graphs...). Unorganized data: the data has no structure( free forms, text, random events...) 2. Quantitative vs Qualitative data : Quantitative data: the data can be measured by numbers Qualitative data: the data can not be measured by numbers, it can be described by languages ...
Data Science: a novice approach 1. Introduction : The data science is hot until today 2018. I read a lot of article relate to this subject and I know many people excite to reach the data science but it's a huge domain that the explorer can be lost in a dark forest of knowledge. I used to research about the data science day by day with a different level( from zero to unknown where). My method is find out it as everybody did: search the keyword, read some books, try to practice somewhere. But all I get back are a chaos of objects. My sense about the data science is the same as an illusion. I forget it about 1 year and get back beside it. So this time, I try to illustrate the way to reveal the data science in short description. I write down to teach myself, to clear, to share. What is the purpose of the data science? I remember one thing that is "get insight from messy data". I do many tasks in the data space to extract something that show the demanding values. The fi...